How are Hearing Loss Compensation UK Tables Made?

Hearing loss is inevitable in a noisy environment. Usually, armed forces have officers who have gone through hearing loss in their military service. Therefore, an armed forces compensation scheme is developed in the British army to compensate for the loss of the army officers. You are entitled to hearing loss claims if your ears were damaged only in other working environments, such as working on construction sites or nightclubs. Each organization has developed relatively the same hearing loss compensation UK tables. However, the employer must provide the right equipment to keep employees away from ear damage.
In What Circumstances Can I Make Hearing Loss Claims?
It is possible to claim hearing loss in the working environment if your ears were damaged during the service period. You will need to prove that your employer neglected your safety rules and regulations. While making a claim, the evidence of the event must be shared with your solicitor. Successful compensation is achieved through proper legal consultation.
How Much Can I Be Compensated for Hearing Loss?
In the UK, the compensation amount is calculated after determining the severity of the problem. Organisations have created Hearing loss compensation UK tables for their clients to ease the process of defining a claim. However, it starts from £4000.00 to approximately £70000.00. It is important to understand that the compensation is received on the basis of deafness.
Categories of Awards of Hearing Loss Compensation UK Tables
The lower awards are made to an individual if deafness is caused in their ears or suffering from Tinnitus – a condition when people can hear ringing bells or other buzzing sound in their ears. The lower awards are compensated in mild to moderate cases. Additionally, the middle awards are received in severe hearing loss with the same conditions, either severe Tinnitus or deafness in one of the ears. Higher compensation awards are given to those with complete deafness in both ears. The following monetary claims can be made according to the hearing loss compensation UK tables:
- Slight hearing loss – up to £ 70,000
- Occasional Tinnitus with slight hearing loss – up to £12,000
- Mild Tinnitus with little hearing loss – up to £14,000
- Moderate Tinnitus with hearing loss – up to £29,000
- Severe Tinnitus with hearing loss – up to £45,000
- Complete deafness in one ear – up to £45,000
- Complete deafness in both ears – up to £109,000
If the authorities approve the hearing loss claim, you will get a lump-sum compensation for your mental and physical health, including sustained injuries. It is only possible to tell the exact compensation if the attorneys understand that various factors are taken into account before making settlements for injury or hearing loss claims.
Calculation of Hearing Loss Claims
The amount of compensation is decided through hearing loss compensation UK tables, but the solicitor has to work on the case to get a successful claim for their clients. Therefore, they will ask their clients for medical reports and other relevant documents. The shared medical report by an ENT (Ear, Nose and Throat) specialist will determine the severity of the hearing loss. They will test your hearing through an audiogram that ensures the level of damaged ears. Your solicitor will share the results based on medical reports in the court to determine the compensation payout. Other than the hearing loss claim, you are also awarded for the financial loss and expense incurred. It is a part of the overall claim settlement for you.
Get Compensated Lawfully with Hearing Loss Compensation Tables UK
We understand our clients’ agony and frustration when they are not compensated for their services. At Legal Assist, we ensure that our clients get maximum compensation, no matter what type of injuries or losses they have experienced. Hearing loss claims can be calculated using hearing loss compensation tables in the UK. In contrast, other losses also have compensation tables to make calculations easier and transparent for the solicitors and the claimant.
Our experts in hearing loss claims can develop the case for your compensation! Call us immediately and get successful compensation for your hearing loss.